
July 14, 2013

Lemon Daiquiri Ice Pops

Now, you guys know: I don't drink. I pretty much was like the opposite of every college kid ever. No coffee, no parties, no drinking. I went to a friend's party over at Rutgers once (which I only went to because I rarely got to see her), and she had cranberry juice just for me and the bestie (neither of us are drinkers) so that we could play slap cup with them.

And I somehow managed to get like adopted by one of her frat guy friends, who was very sweet, but also drunk, and therefore rather excessive. He insisted we be on the same team for slap cup so that he could teach me how to play, and wanted high fives all night and hugs goodbye. (This may have also been one of my wait-that-was-flirting? moments, but I really just think he was being nice. While drunk)

Anyway, my point is, you guys are a terrible influence. I've consumed more booze writing this blog than my entire college career. Raspberry Red Wine Ice Cream, Drunken Apple Pie, Pina Colada Marshmallows, heck, even my Black Forest Icebox Cake has wine in it.

And now this. Lemon Daiquiri Ice Pops. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
I mean, I have eaten one of these pops every night after dinner this week. Every night. I'm turning into a downright lush. Next thing you know, I'll be weaving down the street, swigging my booze out of a brown paper bag.

Food blogging: a gateway to addiction. I wonder if anyone's mentioned it to Oprah.

Well, at least this one came at good time. These pops are basically lemonade plus rum that's been frozen. Super bright, super lemony, and super refreshing, they're perfect for the oppressive heat and humidity we've been living with lately. And they're so easy to make: just zest, squeeze, mix, pour and freeze.

Now if you'll excuse me, I think it's time for my nightly ice pop. *hic*
Lemon Daiquiri Ice Pops

1 & 1/2 cups cold water
1/2 cup sugar
2 tbsp. rum
3 lemons

In a mixing bowl or large measuring cup, mix the water, sugar, and rum until the sugar is well dissolved.

Grate the zest of one of the lemons. Juice all three. Discard the seeds, but keep the pulp. Mix the zest, juice, and pulp with the remaining ingredients. Pour into ice pop molds or plastic cups with popsicle sticks, being careful to leave at least ½ inch from the tops of the containers. Freeze for a minimum of 6 hours.

Recipe adapted from Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book