
June 20, 2014

Stuff and Things 6/20/14

Life as I Know it
Happy summer! Is it summer yet, or is tomorrow the first day of summer? I always get that confused. Regardless, it's hot, and it's therefore summer, amiright.

I know I've been on total radio silence for a while. I really thought I'd be back up and running by now-- or at least at a place where I could cook dinner and put it in my light tent to photograph it. But, as you may have already guessed, I'm not. Still, the kitchen is on it's way to being functional. I got my awesome vintage kitchen table:
It even extends for if I have guests or need more work space

I found a kitchen island at Christmas Tree Shops that was a) the right price, b) the perfect size, and c) even matches my current cabinets and countertops. It was kismet.
I need a smaller microwave, though. It takes up half the countertop. But it was free, so I can't complain.

My floors have been refinished, so that's one thing I won't have to worry about for a long time:
I still want to redo the kitchen floor, but that's peel and stick laminate tile, so I should be able to do that all by my lonesome

My cousin's hand-me-down couch ended up being almost perfect and super comfy:
While brown isn't quite the color I would have chosen for my gray and yellow living room, it's neutral and it matches the buffet that I'm using as a media cabinet, so it all works together. Also, free, so yay.

My estate sale rug is looking bright and purty after the rug cleaning place never called me back, so I went and did it myself. Srsly, rug cleaning business, how do you stay in business? If you don't call back the people that want to give you money, you won't get their money. Simple concept.
It's got the yellow and gray of the living room, the blue of the dining room library, and even the brown of the couch. And also red, but almost every rug I looked at was either solid (boring), neutral (bleah), or had red. Apparently, it's a thing.

I still need to paint the bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom, finish painting the stairwell, get blinds for the bedroom and kitchen, and get bookshelves (I miss having my built-in bookcase. T-T). Oh, and unpack my three thousand boxes.

Since I'm living on take-out at the moment, the kitchen is most definitely top priority. Fingers crossed, I'm hoping to at least get to simple things next week. Mug cakes, ice pops, grilled cheese, that sort of thing. No pizza, though. I'm pretty tired of pizza. That's what I get for buying extra so I can have leftovers.

I'm doing my best to keep my Facebook page updated, so tune in there to find out how soon I'll be back to blogging.