
April 23, 2014

Mexican Hot Chocolate Cocoa Pebbles Crunch Snickerdoodles

The closing date has changed. Agaaaaaaaaaaainnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

*Cue banging of head on desk. Repeatedly.*

This time is because one of the sellers is in the hospital. Sooooo, I guess it's kind of selfish to be like totally frustrated and upset right now? So I'm kind of even more frustrated and upset than I would be normally? It's just the fifth time the closing date has changed, and I just don't want to be an adult anymore, okay? Being an adult is too hard. So if you need me, I'm just gonna take my cookie and juice box, curl up with my stuffed puppy, and watch Disney movies and superhero cartoons, okay?
Actually, make it a plate of cookies. These cookies. These Mexican Hot Chocolate Cocoa Pebbles Crunch Snickerdoodles. The name might seem unwieldy, but these suckers have the flavor to carry it. They can carry it from here to China if they had to.

When I was contacted about Post Foods' new line of Pebbles recipes by Kristina Vanni, this recipe was one of the first I knew I had to try, and I was not disappointed. Not at all. Because seriously, these are some of the best cookies I've ever made.

I love cinnamon cookies. I love chocolate cookies. I love Mexican hot chocolate. When you put it all together and roll it in some crunchy Cocoa Pebbles, some freaking fairy godmother stuff happens in your oven, and these cookies come out magical. They're the perfect snickerdoodle texture too: soft, but not cakey; firm, but not crispy. I didn't even screw around with the recipe much, which, as you guys know, is totally not normal for me. I just put some of the cinnamon and chili powder in the cookie dough itself, rather than just in the coating. And I'm totally happy with the results.
In the words of my little cousin CC, "This is a yummy cookie!" He also said it with a mouth full of cookie. He's two and a half.

But seriously, you guys, seriously, make these cookies. I'm in love with these cookies. I'm drooling just thinking about these cookies. Oh and also, make sure the Cocoa Pebbles are roughly crushed for rolling the cookies in, because that's the best.

Do it! Doitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoit!
I'm gonna go home now and make more, okay? Since I don't have to move anytime soon or anything.

Mexican Hot Chocolate Cocoa Pebbles Crunch Snickerdoodles
Yield: Approx. 3 dozen cookies*

For the cookies
2½ cups all-purpose flour
½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
¼ cup finely ground Cocoa Pebbles
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. chili powder
1 cup (two sticks) unsalted butter, softened
1½ cups sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract

For the coating
cup roughly ground Cocoa Pebbles
¼ cup sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
Small pinch chili powder

In a large mixing bowl, mix together the flour, cocoa powder, Cocoa Pebbles, cream of tartar, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt. In a separate bowl with electric beaters, beat the butter and sugar together on medium speed until fluffy. Add the eggs and the vanilla one at a time, beating well between each addition. On low speed, gradually mix in the dry ingredients. Cover and chill 1-2 hours.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a small bowl, mix together the coating ingredients. Roll the cookie dough into tablespoon-sized balls (a spring-loaded cookie scoop works well), and roll them in the coating mixture. Place the cookie dough balls minimum 2 inches apart on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Use the bottom of a glass (dip in flour to prevent sticking) to flatten them slightly. Bake 10-12 minutes, until the edges are set. Allow to cool completely on wire racks.

*The original recipe has the yield at 52 cookies. My cookie scoop is larger than a tablespoon, so I get fewer cookies. But larger, so there is that.

Recipe adapted slightly from Kristina Vanni
*Disclaimer: I received free samples of Post Cocoa Pebbles Cereal so that I could feature this recipe. I receive no other compensation for this post. All opinions are always my own*